
How To Grow Arugula Indoors

For those looking for a delicious and easy-to-grow vegetable to grow in their indoor garden consider giving Arugula a try. This leafy green…

How to Harvest Lettuce Like a Garden Pro

Knowing how to harvest lettuce is a surefire way to get the leaves at their peak crispness and tastiest. Whether you love them for salads…

Indoor Plant Styling Tips: Tips And Tricks For Creating Aesthetic Plant Displays

Styling a home takes time and patience, involving carefully chosen décor to match tastes and preferences. So, why not use plants in the same…

Harvesting Jalapenos - When and How

Jalapenos have a long growing season, producing a few dozen peppers in the last few weeks of maturity. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the…

Starting An Indoor Salad Garden

Northern climates have a short gardening season, which is limiting for those who love growing and harvesting their own crops. It also isn’t…

Growing Ginger Indoors: From Planting to Harvest

You might think growing ginger is confined to humid countries in Asia, but the great thing is that you can cultivate ginger almost anywhere…

Pruning Basil - Care Basics

Basil is a staple in most kitchens due to its versatile flavor that fits well into pasta, salads, meat dishes, and desserts. The plant is…

How to Propagate Boston Ferns

Boston ferns, scientifically known as Nephrolepis exaltata, have become beloved household favorites over the years, adorning living spaces…

Growing Shampoo Ginger Lily Indoors

Scientifically known as Zingiber zerumbet, the shampoo ginger lily is a very striking tropical plant that makes a bold statement. Its bright…

Preparing Raised Beds For Winter

Spring and summer are busy gardening times involving planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting those tasty herbs and veggies. By autumn…

Mastering DIY Lawn Care

As much as we cherish our indoor gardens, we still love a lush, green lawn, don’t we? From the magical scent of fresh-cut grass to the soft…

Is Your Tree Sick? Here's How to Tell and What You Can Do to Help

Trees are an essential part of our environment and landscaping. They provide shade, release oxygen, and add beauty to our surroundings and…

Creative Ideas for Repurposing Containers for Indoor Gardens

In our current times, reusing, recycling, and upcycling materials is crucial to reduce pollution. Mindful consumption brings greater…

How To Grow Calla Lilies Indoors

With long-lasting, elegant blooms and thick stems, calla lilies are a favorite for wedding bouquets. They are also a symbol of birth and…

Guide to Indoor Temperature for Plants

Keeping plants healthy indoors requires maintaining the right temperature. Each plant species has its own temperature needs, so knowing your…

10 Climbing Vines For Your Garden

Climbing vines are more than just pretty plants to add to your garden. They add a decorative natural touch to fences, trellises, doorways…

20 Perennials That Bloom All Year

Flowering plants are a marvelous addition to any garden. They add a touch of color and beauty to any space, attract advantageous pollinators…

Moss Gardening – Planting And Propagating

Anyone who’s hiked through a wooded area has likely seen bits of moss growing around every stump and rock. Though it isn’t as eye-catching…

How to Grow Begonias Indoors

Begonias are delightful beautiful little plants that add a lot of character to a garden. Getting begonias to grow indoors is actually easier…

Growing Green Beans Indoors

Green beans are a popular and delicious vegetable that is easy for any level of gardener to grow. Whether you prefer them purple, red…

What Is Plant Bolting and How to Prevent It

Seasoned gardeners frequently bring up the term “bolting,” which might puzzle newcomers. It has an air of Olympian athleticism about it, but…

20 Purple Flowers To Brighten Up Your Garden

Flowers come in various colors and patterns, though few are as eye-catching and versatile as purple. From soft, subtle shades to bold…

Growing and Caring for Morning Glory Indoors

Morning glories, scientifically called Ipomoea, are stunning flowering plants renowned for their vibrant hues and remarkable climbing…

Taking Care of Plants While On Vacation

You’ve got the hotel, the plane tickets, a plan for activities and you’re all packed, but what about your plants? If you’re anything like me…

10 Things You Need to Know When Summer Gardening Indoors

Summer’s here, and it’s the season when most plants are ready to grow and flower. Get ready to soak up the sun, even if you’re chilling…

​​Leggy Plants? What Causes It and How You Can Fix It

Leggy plants might sound exotic and even a bit sexy, but they’re often the result of being placed in a spot where the growing conditions are…

Growing Chamomile Indoors

Chamomile is a favorite plant among gardeners due to its pretty, aromatic flowers and effortless care requirements. Though it can be added…

How To Start a Herbal Tea Garden

Tea has delicious flavors, delightful aromas, and various health benefits. For these reasons, it’s no surprise it’s one of the most popular…

How to Harvest Chives

There are so many reasons why we love chives. They are super easy plants to grow and work with a wide variety of dishes. For those looking…

How To Propagate Pothos

Pothos goes by many names, including Devil’s Vine, Devil’s Ivy, and Money Plant. It features heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines that…

Best Plants For Skincare

You probably don’t know it, but you can harvest great skincare ingredients right from your garden, whether they’re outdoors or indoors. We…

How To Grow Forget-Me-Not Flowers

Forget-me-nots are known for their petite yet gorgeous blue flowers. When grown outdoors, their aggressiveness allows them to spread as they…

Growing a Peace Lily in Water

Are you tired of the same old soil-based plant-growing techniques? Why not try something different and grow your peace lilies in water! Not…

5 Expert Tips to Create a DIY Indoor Garden

If you’ve always wanted to grow your very own indoor garden then you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll be diving into 5 of my favorite tips…

10 Herbs You Should Grow In Early Spring

Fresh herbs add a unique flavor to any meal or beverage, though they aren’t always accessible. Even if your favorites are at your local…

World Health Day: 10 of the Healthiest Herbs and Their Benefits

Our food is made significantly tastier by the herbs and spices used to season it. If you’ve been enduring bland, tasteless meals until now…

10 Plants to Keep in Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

Picture this, you’re lying in bed ready to fall asleep, but no matter how hard you try you just toss and turn; the sweet realm of dreams is…

Indoor Fruit Trees You Can Grow At Home

Fruit trees are a fantastic addition to any garden offering both decorative and edible benefits. Unfortunately, some climates aren’t…

Growing Tulips Indoors

Tulips are delightful flowers and there’s nothing better than to see these cheery blossoms popping out after a cold winter season. If you’re…

Pre-made Indoor Gardening Kits For Spring

If you’ve ever wanted to start gardening, but didn’t know where to start, indoor gardening kits are a great option. These kits come with…

Growing Dragon Fruit Indoors

Growing dragon fruit indoors is an interesting challenge for gardeners. Dragon fruit’s are exotic and colorful, and add a real splash to any…

How Plants Help Your Mental Health

There was a time when people spent most of their lives outside, enjoying everything nature has to offer. Unfortunately, with the…

7 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera and How to Grow It Yourself

Aloe vera is called the “plant of immortality” for a reason. That’s because it’s been used for centuries for a variety of health benefits…

Basil Leaves Turning Yellow - Causes and Fixes

Basil is one of the most popular herbs found in gardens, whether outdoors or in kitchen containers. Due to its low-maintenance care, home…

Transplanting Raspberries To Grow More Fruit

Raspberries are a delicious treat with a unique flavor. You can add these little red beauties to desserts, cocktails, juices, and jams or…

Butterfly Host Plants For Your Garden

Butterfly host plants are essential to the survival and continued flourishing of most butterfly species. Without these plants, many of these…

How to Trim Basil For a Larger Harvest

The secret to growing big bushy plants is regular trimming, and basil is no exception. Some gardeners might feel a bit nervous about cutting…

How To Transplant Basil

One of the most common herbs used in cooking is basil due to the mix of sweet and spicy flavor and heavenly aroma. Though dried basil is…

​What Is Hilling Potatoes And Why Do We Do It

Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetables for cooking and a common item in gardens around the world. Though you can stick the seed…

​​What are Bare Root Plants

When the winter starts to end, gardeners tend to get excited at the prospect of digging into the dirt again and growing new plants. Most…

Best Terrarium Plants

Plants come in all shapes and sizes, as do the container to place them in for an indoor garden. One favorite for those living in small…

Everything You Need To Know About Seed Starting Containers

Getting a seed starting container is easier than you think, even when you’re not sure how to go about it. Our list covers seed starting…

How To Choose Healthy Plants

There’s nothing worse than bringing home a new plant only to have it wilt and die after a few weeks. Though it may seem inevitable with some…

Money Saving Garden Ideas

There’s no better feeling than cutting down expenses while beautifying your home. Starting an indoor garden can often be expensive, but it…

Indoor Birds Of Paradise Care Guide

With its distinctive avian-like flowers, Bird of Paradise is one of the most attractive and eye-catching plants on the market. Though a bit…

Best Varieties Of Strawberries

There’s nothing quite like biting into a freshly grown strawberry picked straight from the vine. Strawberries are a popular plant for indoor…

3 Reasons Why You Should Propogate Your Plants

Propagation is a popular term in the gardening community, and for good reason. It’s one of the best ways to grow your garden, and grow more…

Growing Olive Trees Indoors

The olive tree originated in Asia and is still an abundant part of their thick forests. Over several thousand years, it spread to other…

Soil Frequently Asked Questions

Most people take soil for granted, and that’s probably the most honest thing we can say as gardeners. Just like any living thing, plants…

Designing Small Spaces With Plants

When you have limited space in an apartment or small home, decorating can be a challenge. Oftentimes, tradeoffs are made to create something…

Winter Garden Frequently Asked Questions

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a bit of gardening. Even on the coldest days, you can find ways to make gardening a…

Why Soil PH Is Important and What You Can Do about It

Do you ever wonder why some plants grow better in certain soils while others seem to struggle when it comes to producing leaves, flowers, or…

Easiest Fruits To Grow Indoors

Fruit is nutritious and delicious, though your favorite options may not be available throughout the year. Rather than waiting for them to be…

How to Store Bulbs Over Winter

Storing bulbs over the winter is something that gardeners should start practicing if they want to reduce their planting expenses in the…

Minimalist Plant Decor

There’s a plant out there for everyone, from the starkest minimalist to the most contemplative urban spartan. Plants breathe energy, color…

Best Plants For Christmas Decorating

The chilly temperatures and short days of winter can bring down even the cheeriest individuals. Luckily, the holiday season perks most…

Growing Onions Indoors

Onions are a staple in most kitchens due to their versatility when cooking and wide variety of flavors. They can be added to soups, stews…

Growing Trailing African Violet

African violets are valued for their gorgeous beauty and relatively easy maintenance. Most people are familiar with the traditional type…

Getting Rid Of Spider Mites

Spider mites are frequent pests in any garden, especially when the weather is hot and dry. Though they usually aren’t as big of an issue for…

Biophilic Design Principles

Bringing nature into our homes has been a staple of design for years. Whether it’s through architectural design, interior decoration, or…

Best Potting Soil For Orchids

Every plant needs the proper soil mix to survive, but not all plants have similar requirements. Though a variety of species are fine in…

How to Grow Alocasia Indoors

Growing Alocasia indoors brings a touch of tropical beauty and casual charm to any home. Its stunning foliage and distinctive shape only…

5 Reasons to Use Plants in Interior Design

Decorating and designing your indoor living space is an important task for many homeowners. Having the perfect aesthetic can make a home…

How To Grow Bok Choy Indoors

Bok choy, also known as pak choi or Chinese cabbage, is a leafy vegetable that is as delicious as it is nutritious. It is also extremely…

How to Propagate Lemongrass

Did you know that you can grow store-bought lemongrass all year long? If you enjoy lemongrass in your drinks and dishes, then this herb will…

How To Repot Orchids

Orchids are one of the most unique indoor plants you’ll find, due to their delicate stems and the fabulous scent emitted from their gorgeous…

Starting a Winter Herb Garden

There’s nothing more rewarding than using fresh herbs you’ve grown in your cooking. While summer is the prime time for herb growth, there’s…

Growing Lemongrass Indoors

Lemongrass is a delicious and fragrant herb that has a variety of uses in both drinks and cooking. Lemongrass has always been beloved for…

How To Germinate Seeds In A Paper Towel

Buying seedlings is an easy way to start a garden, though those established plants are more expensive than starting from scratch. Of course…

Treubii Moonlight Care Guide

The Treubii Moonlight is a rare houseplant, though this doesn’t hamper its appeal to gardeners seeking eye-catching specimens for their home…

12 Best Decorative Indoor Plants That Are Easy To Grow

Greenery belongs just as much indoors as it does outdoors. If you live with a cold and austere interior, then it might be time for you to…

10 Reasons Why Plants Die and How To Solve Them

As any gardener can attest, sometimes it seems like your plants give up on you seemingly without reason. However, as savvy gardeners know…

Growing Kiwi Indoors

Kiwis are an exotic plant with a sweet, melon-like flavor that is almost impossible not to love. These little fruits are also packed with…

Reasons Why Your Indoor Plants Aren't Growing

Nothing is more frustrating than having a plant that isn’t growing properly. There are dozens of issues that could be the cause, and it can…

14 Container Gardening Tips for Your Plants

Container gardens are an amazing way to start your garden, and let you grow plants nearly anywhere and anytime. Whether indoors or out…

How Long Can Succulents Go Without Water?

Succulents are some of the easiest plants to grow, and the most common question new gardeners ask is: “How long can succulents go without…

Best Types Of Cacti For Indoor Growers

Cacti are some of the easiest plants to care for, requiring almost no maintenance to thrive. There are several types of cacti to pick from…

8 Best Varieties of Kale to Grow, Harvest, and Eat

Kale is known as the prettier, curlier cousin of the cabbage. Along with collards, mustards, and cauliflowers, kale belongs to the…

Indoor Madagascar Dragon Tree Care

The Madagascar dragon tree, also known as Dracaena Marginata, is a distinctive plant that is easy to grow. There are a few varieties to pick…

Growing Jade Bonsai Trees

The jade plant, scientifically known as Crassula ovata, is a succulent beloved for its thick glossy leaves in deep emerald green. As part of…

Eucalyptus Plant Care - Indoor Care Guide

Eucalyptus trees are a classic visual of the Australian outback and are often depicted being munched on by Koalas. Today, Eucalyptus trees…

Growing African Violets Indoors

African violets can be somewhat picky about their care, so some gardeners avoid these finicky plants. Despite their difficult reputation…

Companion Plants For Zucchini

Zucchini is one of the most versatile veggies you can add to your garden. You can fry, grill, bake, or stuff it. It can be added to soups…

What Is Bottom Watering?

Of all the aspects of indoor plant care, watering is probably one of the most difficult. Plants need water, but too much of a good thing can…

Is Having Plants in Your Bedroom Bad for Feng Shui?

The bedroom is one of the most flexible places to put plants of your choice. It offers a safe space with a controlled environment not only…

11 Tips For Growing Tomatoes in Pots

Tomatoes are a classic staple of many summer gardens and something many gardeners try their hand at growing. While traditionally grown in…

Best Herbs For Tea

Having freshly brewed tea within reach is one of life’s simple pleasures. With quite a number of tea combinations that are commercially…

Growing Alocasia Indoors

There is nothing as amazing as the stunning foliage found in Alocasia plants. With varying sizes, shapes, and colors, Alocasia plants are…

Hydrangea Care Guide

Hydrangeas are gorgeous plants that feature large globes of small blooms surrounded by jagged-edged medium-green leaves. They look…

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are tiny insects that can overtake your home before you even realize they are there. Once you have an infestation of fruit flies…

How To Grow Oregano Indoors

Oregano is one of the most sought-after herbs you can grow indoors. It adds taste and flavor to our favorite dishes, making it one of the…

Growing a Dragon Tail Plant

The Dragon Tail is a lush evergreen vine that is a native of the Philippines, though there are a few rare species found in Southeast Asia…

Tips For Growing Large Plants Indoors

Large plants are majestic and striking pieces that add a dose of visual interest to any garden. While often grown outdoors, large plants…

Watermelon Growing Tips

Watermelons are the quintessential summer fruit, there’s nothing better than biting into a ripe watermelon on a warm, sunny day. They do…

Everything You Need to Know About How to Harvest Oregano

Oregano is a famous herb that’s a staple in most kitchens across the globe. The herb has a pungent smell and comes packed with incredible…

5 Tips For Using Plants in Design

Plants and design go together hand and hand. Whether bright and colorful, or more subtle, adding foliage to your rooms can take your…

Bugs That are Beneficial to Your Garden, and How to Attract Them.

When you see bugs in your garden your first instinct might be to try and get rid of them. Hold on though, not all bugs in your garden are…

How To Protect Your Plants From The Summer Heat

Plants need plenty of warmth and light to grow, but too much heat hurts them as much as it does the gardener tending them. Consistently high…

What You Need to Know About How and When to Harvest Broccoli

Growing broccoli in your backyard or indoor garden can be a rewarding experience. The task requires months of effort to create the ideal…

Coffee Grounds For Succulents - Is It Good?

Fertilizing is a big part of plant care, but can be tricky for those growing succulents. These little plants are easy to burn out with…

Growing Poppies Indoors? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

If you’re looking to liven up your living room or your workstation, growing poppy flowers will surely satisfy that need for a little color…

How To Grow Asparagus Indoors

Asparagus is a well-known addition to many meals, especially around spring and summer. The green vegetable is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B…

Best Plants To Grow In Summer

As life begins to awaken from the dormancy of winter, the spring season is one of the best times for us gardeners to begin planting our…

A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Vegetables in Shade

Have you ever wanted to cultivate plants but only have space where there isn’t much light? You should consider growing different varieties…

Indoor Marigold Care Guide

Few plants offer the decorative and aromatic qualities of the marigold, which is why these are such a popular addition to any home. These…

How to Grow a Cactus From Seeds

Have you ever wanted to grow cacti or succulents but weren’t sure how? It is fairly easy to grow a cactus from seeds and doing so can be a…

Space Saving Ways to Grow Plants Indoors

Gardening is a fantastic way to add some life and color to your home. While many people will shy away from gardening due to lack of space…

How To Build a Terrarium

Terrariums are garden containers, usually made of glass, that partially or fully enclose their plants. They help facilitate proper growth by…

Dealing With Ants In Your Garden

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t enjoy dealing with ants. They can be pesky little creatures that seem to swarm everywhere and…

Common Plant Diseases

Diseases can affect any part of the plant, including the leaves, flowers, stems, and roots. Some diseases are more serious than others and…

Best Varieties of Lettuce

Lettuce is one of the most versatile vegetables that you can grow in your garden. Though it is mainly used for salads, you can add it to…

String Of Pearls Plant Care

When it comes to succulents, few are as distinctive and unique as the string of pearls. These beauties feature pea-shaped leaves on trailing…

How To Grow Primrose Indoors

Primrose (Primula vulgaris) is a plant in the primrose family, Primulaceae. It is native to Europe and Asia, but is grown around the world…

Fertilizer Numbers – What Do They Mean?

Plants need the proper nutrients to survive, just like we do, which often requires the addition of fertilizer to their soil. This can be a…

Lighting For Boston Ferns

Sunlight is one of the most important factors for plant growth as it provides the energy needed for photosynthesis. While all plants need…

Growing a Buddha Temple Succulent

With a beautifully unique look, the Buddha Temple Succulent is aptly named for its resemblance to a template. It features a unique…

All About Smart Gardening

There’s no doubt that technological advancements have made our lives better in numerous ways. A wide range of technological advances has…

Growing Pansies Indoors

Pansies are a hybrid of a variety of wildflowers that are common in areas like Western Asia and Europe. They are a popular ornamental plant…

Caring for Hyacinth Indoors

Hyacinth are strikingly beautiful flowers that pack a strong scent. Often planted in large groups outdoors for their beauty, they’re…

Indoor Plant Leaning - Causes and Solutions

Indoor plants can make any space more inviting and comfortable adding touches of color and subtle fragrance to your home. Unfortunately…

What is Aquaponics - Beginners Guide

For thousands of years, man has cultivated crops in order to provide food for himself and his family. Since then, there have been several…

Tips For Growing Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are some of the most popular garden plants and for good reason. With a dizzying array of varieties there’s something for…

Easy Tips to Keep Your Houseplants Alive

Starting an indoor garden is a fun but oftentimes confusing process. There are a lot of things to keep in mind from temperature to lighting…

Growing The Zanzibar Gem Plant (ZZ Plant)

With a nickname like “the eternity plant”, you’d expect that the Zanzibar Gem would last forever. This is actually pretty close to the truth…

Growing Boston Ferns

When it comes to indoor houseplants, there is no shortage of different types that you can choose from. One popular option is the Boston Fern…

Planting San Pedro Cuttings

The San Pedro cactus is a tall, thin plant that originates in South America, particularly around the Andes Mountains. In its native home…

When To Repot Plants

Every container gardener will one day find the need to repot their plants, it’s inevitable. The trick is to know when the best time to do so…

Pet Safe House Plants

The benefits of having plants in your home are many. Not only do they improve air quality by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide…

Snake Plant Soil Mix

Snake plants have an eye-catching look and can thrive with very low maintenance. But, there is one thing you can’t skimp on: the soil. These…

Beginners Guide To Companion Gardening

Companion planting is one of the best ways to boost your garden’s productivity. Most plants do very well with companions, and some plants…

3 Garden Goals for Summer 2022

With summer right around the corner I thought it would be a good time to reflect on my personal goals for my garden. I came up with 3 big…

How to Care for Your Dracaena House Plant

Dracaenas are a prevalent house plant known chiefly for their ornamental value. They instantly add a light sparkle to your interior space…

Succulents FAQ - Your Questions Answered

Are you curious about succulents but don’t know where to start? This FAQ will answer all of your questions, from what succulents need to…

10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Food

One of the biggest perks of gardening is being able to grow your own food. Having a ready supply of food is a benefit in itself, but there…

When To Plant Sunflowers

Sunflowers are an iconic staple grown worldwide for their beauty and edible properties. A row of tall sunflowers is magnificent, and really…

Growing Peperomia

Peperomia is a compact plant that is a great addition to both small and large spaces. Though not a flowering plant, it has a unique look…

Essential Indoor Gardening Supplies

An indoor garden can have many benefits. The plants you choose can spruce up your home, adding a touch of color or aesthetic appeal to…

How To Prune Herbs for a Larger Harvest

Pruning is something that scares a lot of gardeners. The thought of taking a pair of shears to your plants and cutting them seems…

8 Flowers That Attract Bees

Bees are essential for the world as they are responsible for pollinating our crops and other plants. The bee’s long proboscis can reach the…

Growing Saffron Indoors

Saffron is quite costly when buying it in the store, which is why many people choose to grow this tasty herb at home. The issue is that this…

Growing a San Pedro Cactus Indoors

San Pedro Cactus is a gorgeous houseplant that is easy to grow from seeds or cuttings. Most people know that cacti can be grown outdoors in…

10 Easy Ways To Keep Your Indoor Garden Healthy

There’s a lot that goes into growing a healthy indoor garden. Luckily, much of the care for your garden is very easy and won’t take more…

Growing a Kaffir Lily Plant Indoors

The Kaffir lily, also known as Clivia miniata, is a beautiful flower part of the Amaryllis family. It originates from South Africa, though…

Should You Fertilize Succulents?

Succulents are one of the most popular plants for both indoor and outdoor gardens, and for good reason. They’re often seen as “easy” plants…

Tomato Plant Spacing - How Far Apart To Plant Tomatoes?

One of the most popular tips for growing tomatoes is to make sure that you provide them proper spacing. Proper spacing is essential as it…

Growing a Fairy Duster Plant Indoors

The fairy duster plant, formally known as Calliandra, can be found in the western United States and the tropical areas further south. It has…

How To Grow Black Beans Indoors

Black beans are a classic summer crop that is easy to grow. The plants are hardy, and don’t require much care other than a sunny spot to…

Growing Morel Mushrooms Indoors

Morel mushrooms are a culinary delight, though fresh ones are tricky to find and expensive to buy. That’s why many people consider growing…

Winter Greenhouse Gardening

Greenhouses are a wonderful tool that many gardeners use to extend their growing season. Depending on the style, it’s also possible to…

What are Dioecious and Monoecious Plants

If you’ve been reading up on gardening you might have come across the terms dioecious and monoecious. These are scientific terms, and they…

16 Tomato Growing Secrets For Larger Harvests

Tomatoes are a staple of many summer gardens, but are often seen as a fairly challenging plant to grow. While they do require a good amount…

How To Grow Schisandra Magnolia Vines

The magnolia vine is a beautiful plant that produces delicious and nutritious berries. You’ll often see it referred to as the “Five fruit…

Plant Feng Shui - Getting Started

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art, which involves arranging buildings and items to create balance and harmony, much like you’d seen in the…

Beginners Greenhouse - How To Plan and Build Your own Greenhouse

If you’re like me and live in an area that gets cold winters (the midwest for me), then you might be interested in setting up a greenhouse…

Best Spring Plants - Our Top Picks

Nothing brings out the beauty of spring like the flowers. As the snow melts and the sun’s rays get warmer, sprouting flowers signal an end…

What is Damping Off and How Do I Prevent It?

If you’ve tried starting your garden from seeds and have had some lackluster results then damping off may be to blame. Damping off is a…

What are Dwarf Fruit Trees?

If you’ve ever thought of growing a fruit tree but don’t have the proper outdoor environment you may have thought you were out of luck…

Growing Calathea Fasciata Indoors

Calathea fasciata is a beautiful, tropical plant that is a stunning addition to any garden. Being exotic, it has garnered a reputation of…

Houseplant Winter Dormancy - What Is It?

If you’ve been growing plants for longer than a year you may have noticed that your plants grow more slowly in the winter. In some cases you…

Plants You Should Start Growing In March

Though the first day of spring is in March, the weather may still be too cold outside to really start your garden. Of course, this doesn’t…

Growing Plants From Cuttings - Plant Propagation

There are many ways to propagate a plant, but one of the most fun and easy methods is to use cuttings. Cuttings are a great way to get more…

What Are Epiphytes?

If you’ve been gardening for some time, (or read our recent article on goldfish plants) then you may have heard the term epiphytes…

Indoor Plant Watering Tips For a Healthy Garden

Water is essential for every plant and providing the correct amount is key to keeping your garden healthy. Outdoors, nature takes care of…

6 Cactus Gardening Tips For Healthy Cacti

Cacti and succulents are interesting plants that can be extremely beautiful and easy to grow. While low maintenance, their care is a bit…

Growing Duckweed Indoors

Duckweed is a tiny flowering plant that is found on the quiet waters of ponds across North America. Though it looks like a carpet atop the…

5 Basil Varieties All Chefs Should Know

Basil is a culinary staple that is used in dishes around the world. Many gardeners are growing basil indoors just for that purpose, to use…

Setting Up a Water Barrel In Your Garden

Rain is essential to all types of plants as it provides the water they need to grow. While it naturally hydrates your outdoor plants, many…

Best Herbs for Cooking - Our Top 3

Herbs are a staple of all great chefs and bring a level of flavor to any dish they’re used in. As indoor gardeners, one of the perks we…

Goldfish Plant Care Tips

The goldfish plant is a beautiful plant that has earned its name from its blooms that resemble leaping goldfish. When properly cared for…

Carnivorous Plant Care Tips

Carnivorous plants are unique plants to grow and are often seen as tricky to grow.​​ This perception likely comes from the fact that these…

Carnivorous Houseplants You Can Grow At Home

Plants are usually seen as benign and unaggressive fixtures of nature. That’s not always the case though, and certain plants can actively…

Caring For Your Jade Plant

The beautiful jade plant is a succulent that originated in South Africa. It was once believed to bring good luck, which is why it is still a…

Fruits You Can Grow Indoors

One of the best benefits of having a garden is a fresh supply of crops year round. One thing that many gardeners neglect, especially those…

Caring for Your Philodendron

A classic in gardens around the world, the philodendron is a beautiful and elegant plant. It’s prized for its looks, as well as its ease of…

What Leaves Can Tell You About a Plants Health

While your plant can’t talk, their leaves can still tell you a lot. Leaves often show signs of issues before any other part of your plant…

How Long Do Houseplants Live?

Starting an indoor garden is an excellent way to bring some greenery and life into your home. Plants are a great addition to any home, and…

How to Care for Your Monstera Plant

Monstera plants have a unique look, due to the holes in their leaves, which gives this plant its affectionate nickname of the Swiss Cheese…

Best Garden Room Ideas For 2022

Are you looking for a stylish, comfortable, and secluded place in your home? A garden room can be your perfect rescue place. It offers you…

Caring For a Cherry Blossom Bonsai

Cherry blossom bonsai trees are mainly associated with Japan, though they are also native to China and Korea. They go by many names…

Indoor Water Lily Growing Tips

Water lilies have a distinctive look, with their large floating leaves and colorful flowers. They grow in ponds or other outdoor water…

Growing Rosemary Indoors

Rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus), is one of the most popular and widely used herbs. These shrubs are native to the Mediterranean region, but…

Setting up an Indoor Kitchen Garden

Growing your own food is a dream for many, and one that comes with cost saving and convenience benefits. The ability to grow food from a…

5 Benefits of Having Plants In Your Home

Starting an Indoor gardening isn’t just fun, but also has numerous life benefits as well. From reduced stress, to self sustainability…

Indoor Gardening FAQ Your Questions Answered

As we’ve grown we’ve begun to see a lot of questions from our readers and followers. To help better answer these questions, we’ve put…

6 Lucky Plants To Brighten Your Home and Day

Lots of people have superstitions or good luck charms throughout their home. For many, these take the form of plants. For centuries, many…

Growing Sweet Peas Indoors

Sweet peas are a beautiful plant is perfect for indoor growing. Ornamental sweet peas feature bright flowers, and create an instant focal…

Best Flowers to Grow Indoors

Flowers can brighten up anyone’s day, regardless of whether you’re the one giving or receiving these beauties. The downside to cut flowers…

10 Gardening Hacks Every Beginner Should Know

If you’re a gardener you’ve probably come up with your own tricks and tips to be more efficient. Everyone has their own way of doing things…

Protecting Your Plants From Winter Damage

With winter upon us it’s important to make sure that we’re protecting our plants. Depending on your plants, this could mean a little or a…

Growing Edamame Indoors (Soybeans)

Edamame is a delicious dish and one that we can grow the veggies for at home. Edamame is actually immature soybeans that are harvested and…

Indoor Fern Growing Tips

There are 10,500 known species of ferns on the planet, though it is believed that there are a few thousand unknown species as well. They can…

How To Keep Succulents Alive in Winter

Looking after your plants is challenging especially when the winter season hits. There are some plants which require that extra loving and…

Growing Sweet Potatoes Indoors

If you’re looking for a unique gardening project look no further than sweet potatoes. These veggies are a joy to grow, and do quite well…

Growing Daffodils Indoors

Daffodils are a beautiful, annual plant that are a staple of many outdoor gardens. While traditionally an outdoor plant, there’s no reason…

3 Plants We're Growing Indoors This Winter

With winter quickly coming upon us it’s time to start putting more focus on our indoor garden. While we’re growing indoors year round, this…

Growing Vegetables from Scraps

Whenever you use a fresh vegetable for a meal some scraps inevitably get tossed in the trash or compost bin. It seems like a huge waste and…

How to Care For a Real Christmas tree

Christmas trees are the classic icon of the season. Picking one out, bringing it home, and decorating it are traditions for many families…

Growing Holly Indoors

With the holiday season upon us, many of us may be wishing to add some spice to our home. While there are many festive plants, one of the…

Growing Radishes Indoors

Radishes are a delicious vegetable, with a spicy, fresh flavor that can enhance any meal. You can add them to a salad, bake them for a tasty…

Best Plants for Apartments

Many people think that just because they lack a lot of space that they can’t start a garden, but that’s simply not true. Regardless of how…

Sustainable Gardening Ideas

The effects of climate change are altering our planet in many devastating ways. While our individual impact may be small, it’s important…

2021 Gardening Holiday Gift Guide

With the Christmas season just around the corner many of you may be looking for gifts for a gardener in your life. To help, we’ve put…

Growing Tropical Plants Indoors

Tropical plants can often invoke images of bright flowers and towering greenery. While many will stand in awe at their beauty, we don’t have…

Growing Mushrooms Indoors - Overview

For those looking for a unique “plant” to grow mushrooms are quite the interesting choice. Prized for their culinary uses, mushrooms are…

Most Difficult Plants To Grow Indoors

There are a ton of plants that are perfect for indoor gardens, and many are very easy to grow. In this list we’re not going to look at those…

Growing Lavender Indoors

Of all the plants you can grow, perhaps lavender is the most fragrant. This beautiful flower is grown around the world for not just it’s…

Growing Beets Indoors

Beets can be a bit of an acquired taste, but they’re packed with nutrients which makes them an excellent vegetable to grow. Beets are a…

Growing Sunflowers Indoors

Dreary winters and wet springs can bring even the cheeriest of us down. Growing plants indoors is a great way to brighten up your home, and…

Protect your Garden with Flowers: Which Flowers to Grow to Deter Pests

If you’ve ever had pest problems with your garden you know how frustrating it can be. While growing indoors certainly lessens the risks, it…

9 Cute Plants You Can Grow Indoors

Indoor gardening is going strong, and thanks to social media gardeners around the world can share their plants. A great looking garden takes…

The Most Terrifying Plants You'll Ever Read About

In honor of Halloween we’re doing something a little bit different. In this article we’re going to look at some of the scariest plants on…

Growing Pumpkins Indoors

When you think of pumpkins, you likely think of Jack-o-lanterns and Thanksgiving pie, though these tasty vegetables can be used year-round…

Growing Zucchini Indoors

Zucchinis are a delicious fruit that are often not a gardener’s first choice for indoor plants. While they certainly aren’t the easiest…

Cactus Propagation

Propagating your cactus plants is a great way to trim down the ones that are getting too large, expand your cactus garden, or even share…

15 Best Indoor Cactus Varieties

Who would have known that desert plants could be a great add on to your living space. What’s even nicer is when they start blooming, the…

Caring For Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo, more formally called Dracaena sanderiana, was originally from Africa, though it is more commonly found in Asia these days…

5 Easiest Edible Indoor Garden Plants

For those looking to improve their self-sufficiency, starting a garden is a great choice. It gives you easy access to food, and helps you…

Unusual Houseplants You Didn’t Know Existed

Ferns, parlor palms, aloe vera, and pothos are just a few of the most common houseplant varieties but not everyone wants to stick to…

18 Great Fall Indoor Plants

For many gardeners, fall and winter means the end of the growing season. While there are some good fall plants like garlic, the majority of…

Cactus Plant Care Guide

Cacti are well known to thrive in places with warm and dry conditions. This is why they are often associated with dry, arid deserts. This…

Preparing Your Indoor Garden For Fall

With fall upon us it’s important to make sure our plants and gardens are prepared. While growing an indoor garden means the majority of cold…

How To Grow Garlic Indoors

Garlic is one of the most versatile herbs and one nearly every pantry has. It is not only a necessity in enriching the flavors of many…

Growing An Avocado Indoors

The avocado plant is native to Mexico and other South American countries, though its fruit has become a staple in households all around the…

Watering Plants On Vacation - 5 Easy Ways To Keep Your Plants Healthy

Whether you are enjoying tropical weather or the fresh powder on a mountain, there are plenty of ways for you to keep your plants hydrated…

Growing Bok Choy From Scaps

Today we’re going to look at an easy way to not only grow more veggies, but also save some money. We’re talking about growing scaps, and…

Growing Roses Indoors

Roses, a perennial plant, are adored the world over for their beauty. Roses are a traditional sign of love and are often seen on valentines…

Planting Your First Vegetable Garden: A Beginner’s Guide

Planting a garden has several benefits. It gives you full access to an abundance of delicious vegetables and herbs whenever you like, it…

Guide To Indoor Plant Lighting

Even beginner gardeners know that plants need light to survive. It is one of the three ingredients needed for photosynthesis. During this…

Peace Lily Drooping - Causes and Fixes

Peace lilies are one of the most common plants to grow indoors due to their beauty and ease of care. One thing that those growing them…

Top Ten Dill Varieties: Know Which One Is Best For You

Dill is such a beautiful herb that compliments a huge number of recipes around the globe. We have already covered excellent ways how you can…

Growing Romaine Lettuce Indoors

One of the biggest perks of starting your own garden is always having fresh produce on hand. Growing outdoors is great, but comes with the…

Tips for an Environmentally-Friendly Garden

There are many different garden options to choose from, including veggies, flowers, herbs, or even tropical plants. The issue is that many…

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs

Though a few mealybugs won’t do too much damage to your plants these sneaky little critters can wreak havoc on both indoor and outdoor…

Beginners Guide To Growing Microgreens

Microgreens are a nutritious and delicious addition to any garden that many people are beginning to grow. What’s more, growing microgreens…

Rubber Plant Care

Formally known as the Ficus elastica, the rubber plant is part of the Moraceae family. It originated in Southeast Asia and was once used as…

How to Grow Pothos Indoors

The pothos plant goes by many names, the most popular of which is Devil’s ivy which it earned by being nearly impossible to kill. It can…

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Care Guide

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, otherwise known as the Ficus lyrata, originated in West Africa where it grew along the coast for millions of years…

5 Best Plants For Your Bathroom

The bathroom might not be the first place you think of when growing plants, but it’s often a great location if you start with the right…

Sunlight Vs Artificial Light – Which is Better for Plants?

Plants need three things to grow healthy and strong; soil, water, and of course, light. When growing indoors, lighting is often the one that…

5 Ways to Create a Plant Loving Home

Did you know that interacting with indoor plants improves your well-being? According to various research there are several benefits to…

5 Unkillable Plants You Can Grow Indoors

Gardening can be a wonderful way to relax and create a beautiful area to enjoy and show off. Unfortunately, not everyone has the space for…

Growing Dill Indoors

Have you tried making potato salad added with freshly cut dill leaves or baking fresh salmon topped with dill. How about making a delicious…

How to Grow Raspberries Indoors

Raspberries are delicious, versatile fruits that go well in a variety of dishes. You’ll commonly see them in smoothies, deserts, salads, and…

How To Grow Lime Tree Indoors

Today, we will look at how to grow lime trees indoors. Growing citrus plants indoors can be challenging at first, but once you’ve seen the…

5 Indoor Plants with Fragrance That Are Great For The Kitchen

Growing houseplants is a great way to add some life to your home. The beautiful colors are one thing, but today I want to look specifically…

How To Grow Snake Plants

Today we’re looking at one of the most popular and easy to care for houseplants; the snake plant. Also known as “mother in laws tongue”, the…

How To Care For a Spider Plant Indoors

Don’t let the name freak you out, spider plants aren’t scary at all. They are actually a great choice to add some greenery to your home and…

Getting Started With Compost

For those looking for cheap and natural fertilizer options composting is probably the most popular choice. As gardeners, composting gives us…

Growing Tomatoes Indoors

Nothing quite brings a garden together like a big, healthy tomato plant. While one of the most popular outdoor plants, growing tomatoes…

Growing Money Trees Indoors

If you’re looking to add some foliage to your home and desire that “tropical” look then money trees may just be the perfect option. These…

How To Grow Hot Peppers Indoors

For those looking to add a bit of spice to their cooking, growing hot peppers is a fantastic way to do so. Peppers are a great indoor garden…

Common Houseplant Problems and How To Fix Them

Whether you have a few wilting leaves or a plant that refuses to grow, issues with your plants are never fun. In this article we’re looking…

How To Grow Catnip Indoors

Catnip is a fantastic plant to grow indoors, and even better when you have a feline friend to share it with. Catnip is a relatively easy…

Growing Broccoli Indoors - How To Get Started

Broccoli is a delicious a nutritious veggie that is perfect for a variety of meals. Broccoli is also fairly interesting in that it requires…

How To Grow Herbs From Seeds

Growing from seeds is a great experience and is a must for any gardener. There’s something so empowering about raising a full grown plant…

How To Grow a Banana Tree Indoors

Typically associated with the tropics, banana trees are some of the most popular trees for gardeners to grow. While living in a tropical…

5 Tips For Growing Fruit Trees Indoors

Growing delicious fruit trees in your home may seem like a bit of a stretch, but people do it everyday. We’re planning on doing a deep dive…

How To Grow Kale Indoors

For those looking for a healthy, leafy snack kale is one of the best options. Commonly touted as a “super food” kale is packed full of…

How To Keep Pests Away From The Garden

Garden enthusiasts inevitably come across pests every now and then. Usually it’s not that big of a deal, but sometimes garden pest numbers…

4 Easy Herbs To Grow Indoors

Herbs are one of the most popular and beloved types of plants to grow indoors. They look, smell, and taste great, and can bring out the…

How To Start a Vertical Indoor Garden

While indoor gardening is a fantastic option for many, one of the biggest problems these types of gardens face is space. Indoor space is…

Indoor Gardening in Winter: 5 Mistakes To Avoid

If you’re an avid gardener growing indoors during the winter is often something you’ll be excited to do. While growing indoors can be very…

5 Fall Plants To Grow

With summer coming to close most gardeners are ready to hunker down for the long winter. While it’s true that spring is the best time for a…

Overwatering Plants - Understand Your Plant's Water Needs

Everyone knows that water is an important resource for plants and too little can be harmful. What many people don’t realize though is that…

Weed Free Garden: 7 Tips For Less Garden Weeds

Weeds, they’re the bane of every gardener and waste countless hours of valuable time. A weed free garden is every gardener’s dream, and it…

How to Grow cucumbers in Containers

Cucumbers are a delicious fruit (yes they technically are) and a staple of many summer gardens. These fruits are a delight to grow and don’t…

Growing Jalapenos Indoors

If you’re looking for a versatile yet spicy pepper to grow in your garden, jalapenos are one of the most popular choices. This little pepper…

Growing Carrots Indoors

Ask any horticultural enthusiast and they’d agree that the sight of fresh and colorful carrots (yes, they come in colors) is a feast to the…

Growing Basil From Cuttings

Basil is a deliciously fragrant herb, and one of my favorites to grow both for it’s cooking uses as well as its beauty. I often find myself…

How To Get Rid Of Aphids In Your Garden

Aphids are one of the most common garden pests, both indoors and out, and have ruined many a crop. They breed quickly, and if not dealt with…

How To Start an Indoor Herb Garden

One of the most common types of plants for indoor gardeners to grow is herbs. These multi-purpose plants look and smell good, and are also…

Container Gardening - Everything You Need To Know

Whether you’re growing indoors or outdoors, containers are a common way to spice up a garden. Many gardens are grown completely in…

5 Easy Vegtables To Grow For First Time Gardeners

Vegetables have always been one of the most popular garden plants for those growing both indoors and out. Nothing beats reaping the rewards…

Root Rot - What It Is and How To Prevent It

Root rot is a serious problem many gardeners face. While it can affect any type of plant, the majority of cases come from plants grown in…

Growing Lemon Trees Indoors

Growing a tree can seem daunting and out of reach for a lot of gardeners, but it’s not as hard as it sounds. In fact, it’s actually possible…

The Beginners Guide To Starting an Indoor Garden

Gardening is a fun and rewarding past time enjoyed by many all over the world. There’s something empowering about growing your own plant or…

Beginning Steps To Growing Indoor Bonsai Trees

Bonsai trees have a distinct, unique beauty, and growing indoor bonsai trees is a popular hobby all around the world. The wide variety of…

10 Common Indoor Gardening Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby to begin, but comes with some important things to keep in mind. There are a lot of potential pitfalls…

Growing Chives Indoors

A common item for many gardeners to grow in their home is herbs. Herbs serve a dual purpose of being both beautiful additions to your home…

Natural Pest Control Techniques That Actually Work

Whether you’re growing your plants indoors or outdoors there’s no escaping pests and bugs. Dealing with these pests is the bane of many a…

Gardeners Guide To Soil (Indoor and Outdoors)

One of the most important pieces of any good garden is the soil. Good soil is essential to healthy plants, and using poor soil is a quick…

10 Easy Ways To Prepare Your Garden For Summer

With summer (hopefully) right around the corner it’s time to start thinking about sprucing up our lawns and gardens. It can be tempting to…

5 Simple Gardening Tips For Beginners

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that is fun, and possibly delicious, but can be intimidating to newcomers. Many people get the thought of…

Best Plants To Grow For Drink Lovers

Wether you enjoy alcoholic beverages or something milder like tea, many plants work to enhance the flavor of your drink. Growing plants for…

How To Grow Succulents For Beginners

Succulents are some of the most beautiful and varied plants out there, and a great choice for budding gardeners. With their countless…

5 Plants To Keep Bugs Away This Summer

With summer approaching thoughts turn to outdoor barbecues and get togethers with friends and family. With that though comes the dreaded…

5 (Low Maintenance) Plants That Brighten Up Any Room

Adding a little greenery to your home is a great way to spruce it up and make it look a bit more lively. A simple plant here and there can…

5 Vegetables You Can Grow Indoors This Winter

With the temperature rapidly dropping it’s easy to see that winter is right around the corner. With that comes the loss of fertile ground to…

Growing Cilantro Indoors - Gardening Tips

A delightfully fragrant herb, cilantro is well worth the effort. Being a mainstay in cuisines around the world over, having fresh cilantro…

4 Best Plants For People With Allergies

If you suffer from allergies you may wonder if bringing in plants into your home is a good idea. Pollen and other parts of the plants are…

How to Grow Hydroponics for Beginners

If you’ve been gardening indoors for any amount of time you’re likely to come across the term hydroponics. With it, you’ve likely heard…

10 Best Exotic Plants To Grow Indoors

As more people every day discover the joy of indoor gardening the same question keeps coming up; “What should I grow?”. While it’s a deeply…

Growing Coleus Indoors For a Beautiful Home

Known for their unique foliage, coleus is an annual plant that has a life cycle of one year. Mostly grown for its colorful leaves, coleus…

4 Plants You Can Grow Today To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Summer is a wonderful time of year with outdoor activities plenty. Unfortunately summer also can mean pesky bugs that can be quite…

Start Growing Sage Indoors

Part of the mint family, sage is an herb with a uniquely earthy and minty flavor. With its strong and powerful taste, sage acts as an…

Growing Blackberries Indoors

Nothing beats the flavor and feeling of biting into a freshly picked blackberry. These little berries pack a ton of flavor and are the…

How To Grow Scallions Indoors

If you’re an avid cook, you probably know the benefits of incorporating the pungent stalks of scallions (often called green onions) into…

Learn How To Grow Spearmint Indoors Year Round

Mint comes in many different varieties, but today we’ll look at one of the more popular kinds to grow indoors, spearmint. Spearmint is…

Moving Houseplants Outdoors During The Summer

Moving your plants outdoors during the summer is a great way to provide them with extra nutrients and help them grow. In fact, most plants…

How to Grow English Ivy Indoors

English ivy is one of the most popular houseplants for gardeners and is relatively easy to grow. It’s a beautiful plant and one that is…

Tips For Growing Bell Peppers Indoors

Having fresh fruits and veggies is one of the many benefits of gardening. One particularly interesting veggie to grow is the bell pepper…

Growing Parsley Indoors

Parsley is great for both decorative and practical purposes. It’s a delicious herb that fits in many different recipes, and its curly…

Tips For Growing Basil Indoors

Loved for a variety of culinary uses, Basil is an easy-to-grow indoors herb that you can harvest any time of the year. A sunny space is all…

Common Mistakes When Growing From Seeds Indoors

Growing from seeds is one of the most empowering activities you can do as a gardener. To grow something from so little into a fully…

10 Best Plants To Grow Indoors

Growing indoors can be a bit daunting for new gardeners. Outdoors plants can survive perfectly fine from the nutrients of nature; indoors…

Delicious - Growing Habanero Peppers Indoors!

For the lover of spicy food, there is no better pepper to grow than the habanero. Its spicy bite is not for everyone, but for those that…

Guide To Temperature For Indoor Plants

Everyone know that plants that experience too extreme of temperatures can die. Both temperatures too hot or cold can be dangerous for plants…

Tips For Growing Thyme Indoors

Fresh herbs are a wonderful addition to any meal, and an absolute delight for any home chef. One very versatile herb any aspiring gardener…

Growing Spinach Indoors in Pots

Love it or hate it, you can’t deny that spinach is one of the healthiest veggies out there. Packed with vitamins and nutrients it makes a…

Humidity for House Plants - How To Increase Humidity for Your House plants

When brining new plants into your home most people consider important aspects like location, lighting, and watering. One item, that is no…

Starting From Seeds - Growing Indoor Plants With Seeds

One of the most exciting aspects of gardening is start from seeds and slowly turning them into a full, healthy plant. There’s something very…

Growing Blueberries Indoors

Blueberries bring a unique combination of delicious fruit and striking beauty to any garden. Being relatively easy to grow (given the right…

How To Grow Orchids Indoors

Orchids are some of the most beautiful plants and coveted by many gardeners for their beauty. Today, we’re going to take a look at learning…

Container Gardening a Pineapple?

When people think of indoor gardens, very rarely is the pineapple the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, most people wouldn’t believe…

Common Household Garden Pests

One of the benefits of growing indoors is the control over the climate and generally pest free environment. Unfortunately though, being…

Moving Your Garden Indoors - Indoor Winter Garden

With winter unfortunately right around the corner may gardeners will have to make the switch from outdoor to indoor gardens. While some…

Winter Care For Your Indoor Garden: Winter Proof Your Garden

With winter right around the corner again it’s time to start moving gardens indoors. For those who are already indoors, it’s important to…

Using Coffee Grounds as a Homemade Fertilizer

If you’re looking to grow a healthy and thriving garden, then you’ll need to prepare the soil to give your plants the best start to life…

5 Essential Tips For Growing an Indoor Garden

Gardening indoors can be a satisfying but sometimes tricky experience. For first-time gardeners, there’s a lot to consider, and it can be a…

Getting The Best Results When Growing Plants In Pots

One of the first things to consider when deciding to start a garden is where and how to plant your plants. Many gardeners take into…

5 Low Light Houseplants To Start Growing Today

One of the biggest issues many gardeners face (both indoor and out) is where to position their plants to make sure they get enough light…

Growing a Venus Fly Trap Of Your Own

The most popular carnivorous plant, the Venus flytrap, is a true marvel to look at. While beautiful, that beauty hides a terrible secret, if…

Air Purifying House Plants for your Home or Office.

In today’s world, it is hard to escape from air pollutants. Whether it’s from the chemicals we use to clean our homes or even the furniture…

Making Your Own Mason Jar Garden

One of the great things about gardening is the creative options it gives gardeners to explore. While the choice of plants is probably the…

Indoor Bonsai - The Ficus

Growing bonsai trees is one of the most popular ways people get started with gardening. While we put together a more general overview of…

How To Grow Potatoes Indoors

Potatoes are a staple of cuisine all over the world and have a variety of dishes associated with them. Everything from mashed to baked, with…

5 Natural Fertilizer Recipes for Your Garden

Some people equate fertilizing to feeding, and to a plant this is an apt comparison. Fertilizer is like food for your plant, and when done…

Decorate Your Home With Ficus

Year-round enjoyment of the ficus plant is easy when you opt to grow this delightful plant indoors. Commonly known as the fig, this plant is…

The Role of Lighting in Your Garden- How to Choose the Best Lighting for your Garden

As anyone who knows a thing about plants knows, light is one of the key components of healthy plants. Lighting can make or break your garden…

Growing Eggplants Indoors

Growing indoor fruits and vegetables is a dream for many, but one that is often perceived as difficult. While they certainly are more care…

How to Grow Aloe Vera Indoors

Immensely popular for its medicinal effects, aloe vera is a popularly grown houseplant. Having it on hand, especially during the summer, for…

Growing Delicious Strawberries Indoors!

Growing strawberries indoors is a great way to get succulent, juicy berries in plentiful supply—all without the many worries accompanying…

Grow Beautiful Peace Lilies Indoors

Growing Peace Lily The Peace Lily, oftentimes referred to as the Closet Plant, is an easy option for the beginning gardener since it isn’t…

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The Indoor Gardens is a site dedicated to brining the joy of gardening to those who don’t have the luxury of outdoor space. We talk about growing and caring for plants indoors, and all the pieces that come together to make that possible.

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