Pet Safe House Plants

Pet Safe House Plants

Last Updated On: March 1, 2023

The benefits of having plants in your home are many. Not only do they improve air quality by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, but they also provide a natural beauty that can’t be matched by any man-made object. If you have curious pets you may be worried about them interacting with your garden, but you’ll be happy to know that most plants are safe for them.

The following is a list of some of the best pet-safe plants to have in your home. All of them are non-toxic to pets, and perfect additions to any indoor garden.

Boston Fern

Boston ferns are our first pet-safe house plant. Ferns are quite easy to grow and generally require little maintenance overall. They do well in a variety of containers, and can even be grown in hanging baskets.

Boston Ferns do best in humid environments and should be watered regularly. They should also be misted often to help maintain a high level of humidity. Boston Ferns do not like to be in direct sunlight, so they should be kept in a shady spot that gets indirect light.

When it comes to fertilizing, Boston Ferns should be given a light fertilizer every few weeks during the growing season. During the winter months, you can cut back on the fertilizer or stop fertilizing altogether.

Spider Plant

Spider Plants are easy to care for. They prefer bright, indirect sunlight but can also tolerate low-light conditions. This makes them very versatile as they can be placed in lower-light rooms that might be difficult to grow other plants in.

The plant should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch, but is a drought-tolerant plant and does not need to be watered frequently. Spider Plants can be propagated by division or by seed making it easy to grow your garden.

Spider plants are very easy to care for, require little maintenance, and are pet safe. They’re a great choice for those looking to add greenery to their home with minimal upkeep.

Rattlesnake Plant

The Rattlesnake Plant is a great choice for pet owners looking for a safe, low-maintenance house plant. It also has a very unique, striking look that looks great in any garden.

This hardy plant can tolerate neglect and still look great, making it a perfect choice for busy pet parents. While the plant does best in bright indirect light, it can also tolerate low light conditions, although growth will be slower the less light it receives.

Water your Rattlesnake Plant when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so be sure to allow the plant to drain after watering. If you notice the leaves starting to droop, this is a sign that the plant needs more water.

Parlor Palm

The Parlor Palm is a popular houseplant because it is easy to care for and thrives indoors. The parlor palm is a larger plant and makes a great accent piece. Grow it in the corner of a room to help soften edges, or make it a focal point by placing it more centrally located.

When it comes to watering, the Parlor Palm is relatively drought tolerant. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering. If you notice the leaves starting to brown or wilt, that means the plant is not getting enough water. Brown leaves can also be a sign of too much direct sunlight, so if you notice this happening, move the plant to a shadier spot.

Calathea Orbifolia

Sometimes called the peacock plant, the Calathea Orbifolia is a unique looking plant with beautiful leaves. Its striking appearance, and pet-safe qualities, make it a great choice for your garden.

Make sure that you place the Calathea Orbifolia in a spot that receives indirect sunlight. This plant does not do well in direct sunlight, so make sure to place it in a spot where it will not be in direct sunlight for long periods of time but still gets a decent amount of light.

Water your Calathea Orbifolia when the soil is dry to the touch. This plant does not like to be overwatered, so make sure that you only water it when the soil is dry. Its low water and low light needs make it a popular, pet-safe houseplant.

Ponytail Palm

Another large plant, the ponytail palm has long, stringy leaves that give it its name. Outdoors they can reach up to 30 feet tall, while indoor ones will tend to reach a more manageable 3-4 feet.

These plants are drought tolerant and can survive in low light conditions making them ideal for indoor growth. Ponytail Palms are also relatively low maintenance, only requiring occasional watering and pruning.

When it comes to pet safety, Ponytail Palms are generally considered to be safe for both dogs and cats. However, it is important to keep an eye on your pets when they are around these plants. The leaves of the plant can cause stomach upset if ingested, and the sap can irritate the skin.

Bird’s Nest Fern

The Bird’s Nest Fern is an epiphytic plant, which means it grows on other plants or objects instead of in soil. This means you should plant it in soil with lots of large matter similar to orchids. These plants do best in humid environments with filtered light.

To water, moisten the soil around the plant until it is saturated and let the excess water drain away. Allow the top two inches of soil to dry out before watering again. In winter, you can reduce watering to every other week.


Gloxinia are beautiful, annual flowers that bloom for about 2 months before dying back. They come in a wide range of colors, so there are lots of options to fit any design style.

When grown indoors, Gloxinias should be placed in an east- or west-facing window where they will receive bright indirect light. Too much direct light can burn out the fragile flowers.

They prefer a humid environment and will benefit from regular misting with warm water. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy, and the plant should be allowed to dry out somewhat between watering. Gloxinias can be fertilized every two weeks with a half-strength solution of balanced liquid fertilizer.

Watermelon Peperomia

The Watermelon Peperomia is a succulent, so it doesn’t need much water. In fact, you should only water it every two to three weeks. Make sure the pot has drainage holes, so the plant doesn’t sit in water which can lead to root rot.

It thrives in bright, indirect sunlight but can also tolerate low-light conditions. The Watermelon Peperomia is a non-toxic plant, so it’s safe to have around pets. It’s also very easy to care for and can easily go several weeks without any input from you.


Orchids’ needs vary, but most need bright, indirect sunlight and a humid environment to thrive. They should be watered about once a week, and the potting mix should be allowed to dry out between waterings. One of the most important things to remember when caring for an Orchid is not to overwater it.

Be sure to use a potting mix that is specifically made for orchids as regular potting soil will not provide the right drainage. Orchids can range from easy to difficult to grow, but nearly all varieties are pet safe. They also come in a variety of colors and styles making it easy to match them to your home’s aesthetic.

Staghorn Fern

When watering your Staghorn, be sure to use filtered water or rainwater. Staghorns are native to tropical areas and do not like hard water found in most home’s taps. Allow the potting mix to dry out completely before watering again.

Fertilize your fern every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. You can also add compost to the potting mix to provide extra nutrients.

To pot or mount your staghorn, you will need a piece of cork bark or a slab of driftwood. Soak the bark or wood in water for an hour before potting or mounting the fern. This will help the plant to attach itself more easily. Staghorn ferns are also commonly grown in hanging baskets as well as traditional containers.

Keep an Eye On Your Pets and Plants

All the plants above are safe to grow around pets, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still keep an eye on your pets and garden. Any plant can cause an upset stomach for your furry friends if they’re allowed to snack on it. It can also cause permanent damage to your plants or kill them.

You should always watch your plants, and correct any behavior that could lead to your pets disturbing them. Even a pet-safe house plant is a poor snack for your furry friends.

Pet Safe House Plants

If you have pets, it’s important to choose plants that are non-toxic. The above plants are all great choices for both beautifying your home and keeping your pets safe. There are a lot of other pet-safe plants out there though, so don’t feel constrained by our list. A quick search is usually enough to determine whether a particular plant is pet safe, and to learn more about any steps you can take to dissuade your pets from turning your plant into a snack.

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