3 Plants We're Growing Indoors This Winter

3 Plants We're Growing Indoors This Winter

Last Updated On: November 15, 2022

With winter quickly coming upon us it’s time to start putting more focus on our indoor garden. While we’re growing indoors year round, this is the perfect time to evaluate and highlight some of our favorites. Today I want to do exactly that and take a look at 3 different plants we’re excited to be growing indoors this winter.


A big favorite of ours and one that we couldn’t resist growing are habaneros. We actually grow these outdoors during the summer, but transplant them indoors during the winter. This gives us fresh and spicy habaneros all year long.

The key here is not to overwater them. It’s very easy to overwater habanero when growing in pots, and it’s the leading cause of unsuccessful grows. This is especially true in the winter when they’re growing a bit more slowly and don’t need as much water.

Another big thing is light, this plant needs a good deal of it to continue producing edible peppers. During the winter I’ll typically supplement with a small grow light to keep them healthy. Otherwise, there’s a good chance they won’t produce any edible fruits.

Other than that, they really are a pretty low maintenance plant. One thing that you’ll likely notice is that it will produce fewer peppers than in the summer. This is due to its slow growth in the winter. If you need a lot of peppers you can fix this by providing extra light. If going with a grow light, try to hit 12+ hours for maximum growth.

Peace Lily

By far the most beautiful plant on the list, we absolutely love the way peace lily brightens up a room. The gorgeous white flowers it produces are quite striking, and their low light needs make it perfect for almost every room.

Peace lilies actually thrive in lower light conditions, and don’t like direct sunlight like a fruit or veggie plant does. That makes them great to grow in more out of the way places or rooms that get less sunlight throughout the day. Growing a peace lily is also great because it doesn’t take up the space needed by more light hungry plants, but still lets you enjoy growing an indoor garden.

One problem we hear a lot of people have with peace lilies is yellowing and browning of leaves. This is fairly common, and luckily is a pretty easy fix. It usually means the plant is being overwatered or is getting too much sunlight. Try cutting back on these and the plant will likely spring back to life. If not, then check for pests as that’s another potential cause.


Lastly, no indoor garden would be complete without some herbs. This winter, we’re growing chives! Chives are a delicious herb that has a very pungent flavor and taste. We love them for their versatility as they make an excellent addition to almost any dish.

The great thing about chives is how easy they are to grow and how quickly they can grow. Chives spread like weeds, so even outdoors try to keep them separated from the rest of your plants. Indoors, we grow them on a small windowsill in the kitchen in a pot. This is a relatively small place, but gets a lot of sunlight making it perfect for small herbs like chives.

For beginner gardeners, chives, among other herbs, are one of the first plants we recommend. They’re easy to grow and take up little space making them a great first option.

Those are the 3 plants we’re excited about growing indoors this winter. What type of plants are you looking to grow this winter? Let us know!

Some Other Options

For those looking for some other options to grow this winter, here’s a list of some other great choices. We’re not personally growing these, there’s simply not enough space or we would, but there’s no reason you can’t.


Lettuce is an easy plant to grow and does well in cooler weather. Give it a decently sized pot, lots of bright but in-direct light, and water when the soil is dry. Harvest as needed throughout the growing season.


When indoors, go with a compact variety that takes up less space. Raspberries are easy to grow, but do need a lot of light. So, use a grow light during the winter to make sure it’s getting the light it needs.

Snake Plant

Another great, low light plant that’s perfect for any home. Snake plants are very low maintenance which makes them a very popular houseplant choice.

Jade Bonsai

Lastly, we have the jade bonsai. These trees take a little effort to keep pruned, but it’s well worth it. They grow well in small spaces such as an office desk. Water when the soil is dry and make sure it’s getting enough light.

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