20 Perennials That Bloom All Year

20 Perennials That Bloom All Year

Last Updated On: July 24, 2023

Flowering plants are a marvelous addition to any garden. They add a touch of color and beauty to any space, attract advantageous pollinators, and often smell as lovely as they look. Though annuals offer these benefits, they don’t last and must be purchased and planted year after year. Perennials are less costly and time-consuming since they live for several years and often have long-lasting flowers. These 20 perennials that bloom all year will ensure consistent color in your garden no matter the season. Better yet, all the flowers on this list can be grown indoors, outdoors, or a combination of both!

Caring For Blooming Plants

Blooming plants don’t all require the same care, so check their specific requirements. First, place them where they’ll receive proper sunlight, including direct or indirect and full or partial light, as well as minimum light needs. Indoor flowering plants usually need moisture once a week or so, while outdoor plants require more frequent watering, especially in the summer.

You’ll also have to watch for bugs or diseases, preventing these whenever possible and giving your plant extra attention if either becomes a problem. Organic matter, like mulch or compost, incorporates nutrients into the soil and is best added before planting or at the beginning of the growing season.

Adding fertilizer also helps with lagging growth, though you’ll have to choose the appropriate type for flowering plants. If the soil is lacking nutrients, a balanced fertilizer improves plant growth. Phosphorus-rich fertilizer helps with root development and encourages more blooms, but don’t overdo it, or you risk reducing beneficial soil organisms.

Other care tips include removing weeds and deadheading dying or dead flowers. Doing so ensures the plants won’t fight for nutrients, spending all their energy growing new blooms.

20 Blooming Perennials

With so many blooming perennials, it’s tricky selecting a few for your garden. To help, we’ve chosen 20 plants with varying colors, features, and sizes, so you can pick the perfect plants for the space you’re trying to fill.


Commonly called Desert Rose, adenium is a succulent native to Africa, Madagascar, and the Middle East. It has a thick trunk and delicate light-green leaves. The flowers are usually pink, rose, or red, though hybrids offer other colors for more distinctive blooms. Due to its origins, the succulent prefers warm temperatures and can’t handle frost or snow exposure.

Adenium requires plenty of full sun, with some protection from hot summer rays to prevent burning the tender foliage. Well-draining cactus soil with a neutral pH, kept moist but not soaked, is best for this picky succulent.


Also called ornamental onion, allium has a slight onion-like scent, though these plants aren’t edible. The stems are long and slender, topped with dozens of tiny star-shaped flowers, giving them an almost fuzzy appearance. Those blossoms come in pink, purple, yellow, green, or white, and bloom in spring, summer, or fall, so adding a few ensures those flowers last all year.

For thriving allium, plant them in slightly acidic, well-draining soil with plenty of organic matter. They don’t need a lot of moisture, so watering them once every 3 to 5 days is more than enough. They rarely require fertilizer unless the soil is quite poor.


Asters are late bloomers, opening during the shorter days between August and October. They resemble daisies, with thin purple or blue petals exploding from yellow centers. These pretty flowers grow quickly, blooming their first year and many more after. For the best results, divide the plants every three years, discarding the woody centers before replanting.

Most aster varieties love light, so for plenty of blooms, give them full sun and minimal shade. Plant them in loamy, slightly acidic soil and keep it moist but not soaked. Avoid getting the leaves wet if possible to prevent mildew or fungal growth.


As a climbing plant that loves to spread, bougainvillea grows quickly, sprouting pink, purple, and orange bracts and little yellow or white flowers. Once established, it can bloom a few times a year. Add a trellis to give this quick-growing beauty something to climb.

Originally from South America, it does prefer heat and humidity, so those living in northern climates may need to move it indoors during the winter. Bougainvillea also requires slightly acidic, well-draining soil and full sunlight. Water it often enough to keep the soil damp but not soggy, and add weak liquid fertilizer every 7 to 10 days to ensure it has plenty of nutrients.

Butterfly Bush

Those looking for blooming plants with easy care requirements may want to check out a butterfly bush. It has shrub-like tendencies in warmer climates and acts as a perennial in the northern regions, so it grows well no matter where you are. Butterfly bushes feature coarse leaves and flower clusters or spikes in blue, purple, pink, yellow, or white. As its name suggests, this plant attracts butterflies and other pollinators to your yard.

These plants are hardy enough to handle even the poorest growing conditions, but it prefers well-draining soil, medium moisture, and full sun. Give butterfly bush plenty of space to spread out and add compost instead of fertilizer to the soil if it’s lacking nutrients.


Catmint is the perfect plant for beginners or those with limited time since it does just fine when neglected. It sprouts quickly, with lace-like grayish foliage and pink, white, or lavender-blue flower spikes. Deadheading the early blooms encourages a second growth for long-lasting color. These plants rarely have issues with pests or diseases, though you may notice a higher feline population in your yard.

Catmint isn’t picky about soil conditions but prefers well-draining humus-rich soil. They need plenty of water in the first year but are drought-tolerant once established. Full sun ensures abundant flowering, though this perennial also survives in partial shade.


Though the purple coneflower is most popular among gardeners, dozens of varieties are available, offering a range of blossom colors and looks. Regardless of the type, these perennial beauties bloom for months, brightening your yard while attracting helpful pollinators.

To prevent leggy, floppy stems, place coneflowers in areas with full sun. They are less picky about soil as long as it drains well. Water them regularly to keep the soil moist, adding a bit of compost each spring to increase nutrient content and encourage growth.


Daylilies are a favorite of beginner and advanced gardeners due to the flexibility of their growing conditions. These lovely plants tolerate drought, high temperatures, and varying soil types, so you can grow them almost anywhere. The most common variety boasts yellow blooms, though red, pink, purple, orange, and multi-colored options are also available, many of which re-bloom throughout their growing season.

Despite their easy-going tendencies, daylilies prefer fertile, loamy soil and even moisture. They need at least 6 hours of sunlight each day, though some afternoon shade is preferred in the hottest climates, especially for darker varieties.


Foxglove is an eye-catching plant with long, slender stalks reaching heights of two to five feet, depending on the variety. The bell-shaped flowers line the stems and come in red, pink, purple, yellow, or white, often with speckling along the inside. Deadheading those blooms encourages new growth. They also self-seed, so for more plants, let a few flowers decay naturally at the end of the season.

To keep foxglove happy, plant it in well-draining, loamy, slightly acidic soil. It likes full to partial sunlight, moist soil, and cool temperatures. It isn’t picky about humidity, though too much can lead to fungal growth. Foxglove is toxic, so plant it where children and pets can’t get to it.

Garden Phlox

Garden or tall phlox is low-maintenance and survives occasional neglect. The sturdy stems reach heights of 4 feet, topped with clusters of little flowers in pink, purple, lilac, lavender, salmon, and white. When those lovely blooms fade, deadhead them to make room for new ones.

Fertile soil with good drainage is best for garden phlox. Water regularly for even moisture, though don’t overwater and avoid the foliage to prevent powdery mildew growth. These perennials love partial to full sun but hate humidity, so keep the roots cool with mulch.


Though some hibiscus are annuals, perennial varieties are available for those looking for recurring plants. You can also choose tropical or hardy plants to match your area’s climate. These plants can grow up to 10 feet tall, sprouting large elegant flowers in yellow, orange, pink, red, and white. Though the blooms only last a few days, new ones appear from spring to fall for a constant spray of color. For a thriving hibiscus, plant it in fertile, loamy soil that drains well. Water these thirsty plants often to keep the soil moist. Full sun is best in northern climates, though those grown in hot areas may do better with filtered light.


Hydrangea’s exquisite flower clusters come in a range of attractive colors, which can bloom in spring, summer, or fall, depending on the variety. These plants are also versatile, growing in varying soil conditions, provided they receive the proper care in other areas. They grow fast, adding 2 feet or more to their height each year, with some varieties reaching 20 feet tall.

Well-draining soil combined with rich organic matter provides hydrangea with the nutrients it requires. These perennials also like regular moisture, partial to full sun, and fertilizer every spring.


Though jasmine’s tiny, plentiful, delicate blooms are gorgeous, its intoxicating aroma is the star of the show. The scent is a favorite for perfumes, bath products, and teas, while the fragrance of cut flowers fills a room all on its own. Houseplant, vine, and shrub varieties are available, so you can choose the perfect option to match your indoor or outdoor garden.

To encourage those blooms, plant jasmine in an area receiving full sun. Well-draining fertile soil kept evenly moist is also preferred. Jasmine rarely needs fertilizer, though pruning will help prevent them from overgrowing.


Lavender’s relaxing fragrance earned the plant its popularity, though it has a distinctive look that attracts the eye as well. The shrub sports long stems with gray-green foliage and lovely purple flower spikes. It deters deer from nibbling your garden and is toxic to dogs and cats. The root system likes to spread out, so consider containing it in a pot.

Unlike other plants, lavender prefers soil with less organic materials, especially to obtain higher levels of scent and oils. It is drought-tolerant, so lean, well-draining soil with low to medium moisture is best. This perennial hates shade and requires full sun to encourage full growth and lots of blooms.


Commonly known as bluebonnet, lupine is a member of the pea family, though instead of tasty pods, it produces tall stems peaked with a spike of colorful blossoms. It comes in annual and perennial varieties, so for long-lasting growth, choose the latter option. Lupine grows up to 4 feet tall, so it won’t take up too much garden space and can be grown indoors with ease.

For abundant blooms, plant lupine where it receives 6 hours or more of full sun a day. Nutrient-rich, slightly-acidic soil with good drainage is also a must. Water them once a week in dry conditions and less it it’s rained.


Pincushion flowers, formally known as scabiosa, reach maturity in about 100 days. The thin stems are topped with button-like flowers in lovely shades of red, pink, lavender, burgundy, cream, or white. These gorgeous blossoms bloom all summer and into the fall, attracting pollinators while brightening your yard.

Damp, well-draining soil is best for pincushion flowers since soggy soil reduces their lifespan. They also prefer plenty of full sun but may need partial afternoon shade in hot climates. They don’t like too much heat or humidity and rarely require fertilizer.


Despite their association with Christmas, poinsettias are fantastic year-round plants. Though red and white are most common during the holidays, they also come in pink, blue, purple, or two-toned varieties. Those blooms can last for months, and you may even encourage re-blooming year after year with the proper conditions.

Poinsettia care is tricky since it varies depending on the season. When the buds have formed, the plants need sunlight and regular watering. They rest in the spring, so watering decreases. Transplant and fertilize them in the summer, pinching off unruly stems. Then give them plenty of darkness in the fall to encourage new buds to form.


Sage is an aromatic herb with gray-green leaves used to add an earthy, peppery flavor to meals. Though not the main attraction, sage also features blue-purple flower spikes throughout the summer, adding a touch of color to any garden. Sage prefers cool temperatures, thriving in the spring and fall. You can start sage indoors 6 to 8 weeks early and transplant it after the last frost. Place it in an area with full sun and well-draining sandy or loamy soil. It is somewhat drought-tolerant, though it prefers moderate moisture. Avoid wetting the leaves to prevent mildew.


Flowers in winter seem unreachable for those who have never planted a snowdrop. These perennials bloom in February or March before the snow’s gone. A single white bell-shaped bloom tops a short green stem growing out of a base of gray-green blade-like leaves. These plants are toxic to people and pets, requiring careful handling.

Plant snowdrops in the fall in loose, well-draining, humus-rich soil. It rarely requires water but needs full sun, especially during its early blooming period, so south-facing areas are best. Let the flowers fade and foliage turn brown without interference to ensure the bulb stores enough nutrients to flower next year.


Formally known as coreopsis, tickseed gets its common name from its bug-like seeds. Over 80 varieties of annual and perennial varieties exist, though the latter options usually don’t bloom the first year. Once established, you’ll be blessed with daisy-like flowers in pink, red, orange, yellow, and white throughout the summer and into the fall.

Tickseed prefers well-draining sandy or loamy soil and even moisture, so water them regularly. They are somewhat drought-tolerant, but too little water reduces flowering. These perennials also like full sun, but in hot climates, they require afternoon shade.

Year Round Blooms

Though it’s rare to find plants that bloom twelve months a year, long bloomers are available for every season. These allow you to arrange your garden for consistent flower growth, adding touches of color all year long.

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