Treubii Moonlight Care Guide

Treubii Moonlight Care Guide

Last Updated On: October 20, 2022

The Treubii Moonlight is a rare houseplant, though this doesn’t hamper its appeal to gardeners seeking eye-catching specimens for their home. It has a distinctive look that enhances any space and is sure to spark conversation and awe.. Of course, if you happen to get your hands on one of these beauties, ensuring it will thrive is a must. Our Treubii Moonlight care guide covers everything required for this plant to grow healthy and strong.

Treubii Moonlight Care Overview

  • Start with an area that receives bright but indirect light. This plant doesn’t like getting too little sunlight but should also be kept out of direct sunlight.
  • The biggest problem gardeners face is overwatering. Always wait for the soil to dry out before watering again.
  • Keep the humidity level relatively high. Frequent misting or a pebble tray are excellent ways to do so.
  • he moonlight is a slow growing plant, so don’t panic if it seems to stall or you don’t notice any growth.

About Treubii Moonlight

There are two varieties of Scindapsus Treubii, the Scindapsus Moonlight and the Scindapsus Dark. While the Dark has blackish leaves, the Moonlight’s oval-shaped foliage is green with silver coloring that almost shines with a satin finish that’s hard to keep your hands off of.

As a member of the evergreen family, Moonlight Scindapsus stays lush and green all year as long as it gets the proper care. It can grow up to 8 feet, though this climbing plant will likely need the support of a trellis or bamboo stake to reach these heights. Indoors, it will not grow quite as large and is easy to contain to a large pot.

Though you can find Scindapsus plants in various parts of the world, including the Pacific Isles, Queensland, and South-East Asia, the only place to locate Treubii Moonlight is in the tropical rainforests of Asia. The limited origins are what makes this plant so rare, though it’s not impossible to find if you have your heart set on one.

Container and Soil

The first step to Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight care is preparing the container it’s going to be living in. They don’t like to sit in a lot of water, so be sure to find a pot with drainage holes to release excess moisture.

A terra-cotta pot is best since this material is porous. This means it releases moisture while allowing oxygen into the soil. Terra-cotta is also inexpensive, so you can get a lovely pot for your Moonlight plant without spending a fortune. The container should be about 2 inches wider than the spread of the plant to give it room to grow.

Treubii Moonlight isn’t picky about the soil it’s planted in as long as it is well-draining. A succulent potting mix is a good option, though you can try loamy soil as well. Regardless of the type of soil you pick, the best pH level is between 6.5 and 8, though it can still do well outside of this range.

After purchasing your Moonlight plant, don’t switch pots until about a month after bringing it home. This gives it time to adjust to its new environment. Then, if you decide it needs to be planted elsewhere, pick the proper pot and add some extra soil if needed. Check the roots when transferring the plant to the new pot for damage or disease. If the roots look healthy, place the Treubii Moonlight into its new pot, add more soil, and give it some water.


Treubii Moonlight likes bright light, though it tends to dislike direct sunlight, so place it somewhere where it gets plenty of filtered light throughout the day. Doing so will keep its leaves safe from scorching without reducing its growth. East- or west-facing windows are the prime locations, though you can place them in a shaded south-facing window if needed.

If you notice that the ends of the leaves look yellow or brown then that’s a sure sign it’s getting too much direct light. Move your plant to an area that gets less intense light and the problem should correct itself in a few weeks.


As mentioned above, Treubii Moonlight doesn’t like excessive water, though it still requires moisture to survive. After watering this beautiful plant, wait until the top 1 to 2 inches of the soil are dry before adding any more. Doing so prevents water-logged soil that could damage the roots.

As for fertilizer, Treubii Moonlight has a lot of foliage, so one with a high nitrogen content will keep its greenery lush and gorgeous. You can also use a well-balanced fertilizer to be sure it’s getting all the nutrients it needs. Add your chosen fertilizer once a month during Treubii Moonlight’s growing season in the spring and summer. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer and opt to dilute more than less to prevent over-fertilizing your plant.


Treubii Moonlight isn’t overly picky about its temperature and can adapt to changing conditions, though it doesn’t like the cold. If your home is between 54 and 83 degrees Fahrenheit, this plant will have no trouble surviving. Less than this can spell trouble though, so definitely keep it away from drafts and other sources of cold temperatures.

Humidity, on the other hand, is somewhat more important due to the tropical origins of these plants. It requires humidity levels between 60% and 70% which can be maintained using a humidifier within the plant’s vicinity. You can also mist the leaves on occasion for a happy, healthy plant. You can also check out our guide to increasing humidity for more easy to implement tips.


Light pruning during the plant’s growing season will maintain the plant’s shape and reduce excessive growth. Trim away dead or dying areas and any stems that are becoming unruly. Use sterilized scissors or a sharp knife to prevent damage to the plant.

Design Tips

The distinctive silver pattern on the greenery of the Treubii Moonlight is the perfect addition to any home. It looks fantastic in modern settings, as well as more rustic designs. The trailing vines are perfect for hanging baskets in the kitchen or bathroom since these two areas have the humid conditions these plants require. The coloring of the leaves also contrasts well with other houseplants, like the lime-green Raven ZZ plant or dark-green leaves of the Monstera Peru.

Growth Rate

One last thing to keep in mind is that treubii moonlight is quite a slow grower. It’s not unusual for it to take several months for it to show any appreciable growth. This can often make gardeners feel like they’re doing something wrong, but that’s not the case. This plant just takes patience. As long as there are no visible issues, like yellowing leaves, then it’s probably fine.

Treubii Moonlight Care Guide

The Treubii Moonlight is a stunning plant that is easy to care for, even for first-timers that haven’t developed their green thumb yet. Though they’re hard to find, these plants don’t require special conditions to thrive and add a touch of elegance to any room in your home.


What causes yellow leaves on the Treubii Moonlight?

Yellow leaves on the Treubii Moonlight are caused by too much moisture and are usually the result of overwatering. The soil could also be retaining too much moisture. To prevent this issue, wait until the top 2 inches of the soil are dry before adding more water. Reducing how much water you’re adding is another option. You can also check the drainage holes on the pot to be sure they aren’t clogged.

What causes brown tips on the Treubii Moonlight?

There are a few possible reasons for brown tips on the leaves of a Treubii Moonlight. Too much or too little moisture, poor drainage, excessive sunlight, or high salt content in the soil are all possible causes. To identify the cause, check the soil to see how damp it is. If it is water-logged, check the pot’s drainage holes for clogs and reduce the frequency and amount of water you’re adding. If it’s getting too much sun, change the plant’s location to a shadier spot. For high salt levels, use distilled water when watering it to remove the salt and prevent further build-up.

Why isn’t my Treubii Moonlight growing?

The main cause of poor growth is a lack of sunlight. Treubii Moonlight needs about 6 to 8 hours of indirect sunlight each day for proper growth. If it’s getting too little sunlight, change its position. A lack of nutrients is another possible cause of slow growth. Adding the right fertilizer during its growing season can help improve this issue.

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