Growing a Peace Lily in Water

Growing a Peace Lily in Water

Last Updated On: April 15, 2023

Are you tired of the same old soil-based plant-growing techniques? Why not try something different and grow your peace lilies in water! Not only will this add a unique touch to your plant collection, but it can also be a fun and engaging way to watch your peace lilies thrive.

Plus, no more worrying about pesky soil pests, messy loose soil, or watering mishaps. So, let’s dive into the world of water-based plant growing and give your peace lilies the aquatic adventure they deserve!

How to Grow Peace Lilies in Water

Peace lilies, also known as Spatyphyllum, are incredibly easy to grow the traditional way in soil. This makes them a very popular houseplant grown around the world. While cultivating them in water is unconventional, it’s entirely possible as long as you do it correctly.

Choose the Right Container

You’ll need to get a container that is at least six to eight inches deep since peace lilies can grow up to three feet tall. The depth of the container will allow the roots to comfortably grow without balling up and compressing.

Next, you’ll want to get a container that’s ideal for water gardening. Keep away from using containers made of metal since they can rust over time and leach harmful chemicals into the water. We suggest going for containers made of glass, plastic, ceramic, or fiberglass.

Another consideration you need to take is how sturdy and stable the container will be. Peace lilies can become heavy at the top over time, so you need to get a container that won’t easily tip over. You can add decorative elements to your container as well, such as stones, gravel, or decorative glass beads. These elements can also add weight to your container, making it stable.

Fill Your Container with Water

Use clean, room-temperature water, avoid filling your container with water that is too hot or too cold. Some households have water that has gone through a softening process, and this type of water should not be used. While it can be tempting to use any kind of water, we suggest using distilled water or rainwater instead. Tap water can contain high levels of salt or other minerals that may harm your plant. You can still use tap water, but let it sit out overnight to help remove excess minerals.

You don’t have to fill your container to the brim with water. The most important thing when growing peace lilies in water is to keep their roots submerged in the liquid. The rest of the plant can still grow above the water level without any issues. If you’re going to add any pebbles, gravel, or decorative elements to the container, now is the time to do so.

Prepare Your Peace Lily Plant

You can start by removing the plant from its container if it’s potted. Do so gently to avoid damaging any of the roots. The best way is to use a “wiggling” motion to help dislodge it from the soil.

It’s important to remove all the potting soil from the roots. The soil may contain microorganisms, as well as elements that may contaminate the water or damage the plant that is submerged in water.

To do this, carefully remove the plant from its pot by gently squeezing the side or tapping it on a hard surface to loosen the soil. If your peace lily plant is root-bound, you might need to gently pull the plant out of its pot.

Once it is out, rinse the roots under running water to remove any soil or debris. Use your fingers to gently massage the roots and remove any stubborn soil. Examine the roots and look out for any damaged roots. Trim these off with clean and sterilized scissors or pruning shears, cutting the roots off at a 45-degree angle. Unless they are dead, avoid trimming too much of the roots.

Submerge the Roots of Your Peace Lily Plant

Place your plant in a container filled with clean water. Make sure that the roots are completely covered in water. You might need to spread out the roots to prevent them from tangling or bunching up. Check to see that the water covers only the roots, not the entire stems or leaves of the peace lily plant.

Maintain the Water Level

You’ve already done the majority of the work, so all you need to do now is just make sure that the water level is consistent and the quality of the water remains high. Depending on where you place your peace lily plant, you might need to monitor it for several days to see how often you need to top it off with more water. As above, use distilled water or tap water that has been left out overnight.

Place Your Plant in a Bright Area

Make sure that the light your plant receives is bright but indirect. Since the roots of the peace lily plant are exposed, direct sunlight may cause them damage and lead to burns. Also, peace lilies naturally thrive in filtered sunlight as they are native residents of tropical rainforest floors. Placing them in similar environmental conditions is the most ideal thing you can do.

While they may tolerate low-light conditions, they may not produce flowers. West or east-facing windows are great choices as these locations receive bright but indirect light. You should also note that transitioning your plant from soil to water as its growing medium can take a period of adjustment. As a result, it may take several weeks for the peace lily to acclimate.

Monitor and Maintain Your Peace Lily Plant

While it’s getting used to its soil-less environment, your peace lily plant may take more time to produce new leaves or flowers. Don’t worry if and when this happens. This is because its primary function is to get used to its condition and focus on producing healthy roots.

However, some peace lilies can begin to stop growing or even start to have yellowing leaves. This may mean that you need to replant your lily into soil. Check that it’s receiving proper care in all other areas, and if so, consider replanting into soil and trying with a different plant.

Another thing you need to look out for is algae growth. These are green bits that grow among the roots and on the insides of the container. If you see any, it’s a sign that your water has grown stagnant and needs to be replaced. In this case, immediately take out the plant from its container and rinse both under running water.

If you added decorative elements, clean them as well. Once you have made sure that everything has been rinsed and cleaned, place the plant back into its container and fill it with distilled water or rainwater.

Peace Lilly Growing Tips

With the basics provided, you can now go a bit more detailed when growing peace lily plants in water. We’ve done these successfully, so we’re passing on our years of experience and knowledge.

  • Peace lilies prefer temperatures between 65 to 85 F, so choose a spot that is within this temperature range.
  • Rotate the container every few days to ensure that all parts of the plant are receiving equal amounts of light.
  • If you can’t provide enough natural light, you can supplement with artificial light by using a full-spectrum grow light and placing it about 6 to 12 inches above the peace lily for 12 to 14 hours per day.
  • Peace lilies grown in water-only will need additional nutrients to thrive, so try adding a water-soluble fertilizer to the water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Creative Alternatives to Growing Soil-less Peace Lily Plants

If you’ve mastered the art of growing your plants in water and you’re looking for more ideas, then we got your back. The following methods are great options if you want to elevate your water-culture skills.


Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in water-based solutions without soil. In this method, the peace lily’s roots are suspended in the water, which is enriched with nutrients. Hydroponic systems can range from simple DIY setups to more complex commercial systems.


Aquaponics is a sustainable system that combines aquaculture, which is raising fish, and hydroponics, which involves growing plants in water. In this system, the fish waste provides nutrients for the peace lilies, which helps them grow. The peace lily’s roots are suspended in the water, which is then circulated through the system.


In aeroponics, the roots of the peace lily are suspended in air and sprayed with a nutrient-rich mist. This method promotes fast growth and uses less water than hydroponics or water culture. You can use a special aeroponic system or make one yourself.

Bottle Garden

A bottle garden is a self-sustaining ecosystem that requires no soil. To create a bottle garden for a peace lily, place the plant and its roots in a clear glass or plastic bottle, and fill it with water. The peace lily will grow and develop roots directly in the water, and the bottle garden will provide a self-sustaining ecosystem for the plant.


Bioponics is a soil-free method of growing plants that uses beneficial microorganisms to break down organic matter and provide nutrients to the plant. In this method, the peace lily is grown in a mixture of organic matter like compost and coconut coir, along with beneficial microorganisms like mycorrhizae.

Air Layering

Air layering is a propagation method that can be used to grow new peace lily plants without soil. In this method, a section of the stem is stripped of its bark and a rooting hormone is applied. The stem is then wrapped in moist sphagnum moss and covered with plastic wrap to promote root growth.

Soil-less Growing Materials for Peace Lily Plants

There are several substrates that you can use to grow your peace lily plants that don’t involve potting soil. Use these alone in place of soil or in conjunction with other materials and growing methods as a fun way to unleash your creative gardening side.

Coconut Coir

Coconut coir is a natural fiber extracted from coconut husks. It can be used as a soil substitute for growing peace lilies. Coconut coir is a sustainable alternative to soil and provides aeration and drainage for the plant’s roots.

Sphagnum Moss

Sphagnum moss is a type of moss that can be used as a soil substitute. It is highly absorbent and retains moisture, which makes it a great medium for growing peace lilies. Sphagnum moss can be used alone or mixed with other materials like coconut coir or perlite.


Vermiculite is a natural mineral that can be used as a soil substitute for growing peace lilies. It has good water retention and aeration properties, which makes it an ideal medium for plants. You can mix vermiculite with perlite or coconut coir for added drainage.

The Takeaway

Gardening doesn’t always have to involve soil in order to produce healthy and productive plants. With a little bit of creativity and ingenuity, you can grow your peace lily in water quite easily. It just goes to show that when it comes to cultivating plants, you have more options than one!

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