Indoor Plant Styling Tips: Tips And Tricks For Creating Aesthetic Plant Displays

Indoor Plant Styling Tips: Tips And Tricks For Creating Aesthetic Plant Displays

Last Updated On: May 9, 2024

Styling a home takes time and patience, involving carefully chosen décor to match tastes and preferences. So, why not use plants in the same fashion? These natural additions come in various sizes, shapes, and colors to add aesthetic appeal to any space. Of course, scattering greenery around may not be the best way to decorate. To help you get started, we’ve created several indoor plant styling tips to ensure your favorite living decorations accentuate even the drabbest corner of your home.

Consider Room Size

When choosing plants for any space, it’s crucial to consider the size of the room. Placing several large plants in a small room crowds the area until it feels cluttered and unsightly. A single tall plant in a corner works better in a small space than a jungle. You may also want to try a few smaller plants arranged out of the way but well within sight. These add a natural touch without overwhelming the area with greenery.

Larger spaces can accommodate more plants, but you may want to consider how many you’re using. Adding a few accent pieces here and there is more aesthetically pleasing than surrounding the area with plants. Adding varying sizes, textures, and leaf patterns creates an organic look, so mix them up.

Consider Plant Needs

When grouping plants, you’ll likely look at the leaves, flowers, and size to decide if they look good together and fit your aesthetic. Though vital factors for indoor styling, you may also want to consider the requirements of each plant.

For instance, if one plant in the bunch prefers low light but is among sun-loving plants, the foliage and blooms will suffer and likely won’t survive for long. Plants needing lots of moisture should also be grouped so they can all be watered at once. If you stick these among succulents or other drier plants, they may get neglected.

By placing plants requiring similar care together, it’s easier to schedule watering, fertilizer, and anything else they need. Doing so prevents sickly plants that ruin the aesthetic appeal of the thriving greenery.

Use Decorative Containers

Purchased plants, or those you start yourself, usually begin in plain plastic or other bland containers. Though these are functional, their look isn’t always as appealing as they could be. Swapping out the original pots for a more decorative one allows you to match nearby décor while accentuating the plant’s natural coloring. Try a sleek, modern pot, a textured container, or a classic terra cotta vessel. You can even try unconventional pieces, like wooden boxes or old vases. If you don’t like the coloring, add a coat of paint or other decorative accents to bring the pot to life.

When choosing your decorative pots, be sure to check for drainage holes. Most plants dislike overly damp soil since it can cause soggy, rotting roots. You may also need to add a saucer beneath the pot to catch draining water, so be sure your chosen container can accommodate one.

Use Existing Structures

Plant stands are lovely but take up space in your home you may have your eye on for something else. Rather than filling up the space you don’t have, try using existing structures to accommodate your favorite greenery. Window ledges offer light for those sun-loving plants and are rarely used for anything else, making them the perfect place for small or medium plants.

Mantles and bookcases are also fantastic places to house a few plants. Greenery will be out of the way while still adding a touch of natural beauty to these spaces. Those with staircases can use hanging baskets for a few plants, provided the stairs are near a window or the plants prefer a shady spot.

Hanging plants from ceilings or rafters is another unique way to add a natural touch to your home. Trailing plants are especially perfect for such placement since their attractive foliage is still visible, even from below. Some plants, like trailing fuschia cultivars, even have drooping flowers for a touch of vibrant color to perk up even the dullest room.

Unconventional Holders

If you don’t have any unused spaces in your home to fit your plants, holders may be required. Purchasing plant holders is one way to give your plants the homes they need. For a less modern approach, unconventional options add a unique touch while accentuating the plant’s natural beauty.

If you have any old step stools or chairs, give them a coat of paint and place an appropriate-sized pot on the flat seat. Old timber and cinder blocks are perfect for a few DIY plant shelves. Even an old clothing rack makes an interesting place to hang a few plant baskets.

Create A Plant Wall

Walls are traditionally used for hanging pictures, decorative art, or mounting shelves. Though these are fine ways to decorate, adding a few plants lets you bring the outside world indoors without crowding the area. It also fills empty spaces with gorgeous natural greenery.

One method is using those shelves already attached to the walls or adding a few to a bare wall. Add as many decorative pots as you like to create your living plant wall. Some pots can also be mounted right to the wall, or you can use a few unconventional containers you have on hand. Place them as you see fit for the aesthetic appeal you’re trying to achieve.

Mix It Up

One reason plants are a favorite décor item is that there is no correct way to use them to style your home. In fact, it can be even more pleasing to mix them up a bit by placing them at varying heights. Place tall plants on the floor, hang trailing plants above, and add whatever you like in between for a unique visual tapestry.

Plant Styling Tips

Whether you prefer classic, traditional décor or a more modern look for your home, several ways are available to add plants to the mix. Regardless of your tastes, our indoor plant styling tips offer a few ideas to bring the outside world into your favorite spaces.

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