Best Plants for Apartments

Best Plants for Apartments

Last Updated On: December 10, 2021

Many people think that just because they lack a lot of space that they can’t start a garden, but that’s simply not true. Regardless of how much space you have there are plants that you can start growing. In this article, we’ll break down some of the best plants for apartments and other small spaces. Even if you only have a small windowsill to grow on, you have enough space to add some greenery to your home.

Best Plants for Apartment Living

Indoor plants naturally add beauty while promoting a positive mood. Plants are also excellent air purifiers, and have been shown to help clean the air around them. Gardening is also a mood booster, and a bit of gardening each day can really improve your mood.

The first step is always to figure out which plants you wish to grow, and which ones match up with the time you have available. If you are the busy type of person, and won’t have so much time to look after your plant it’s best to get some that are low maintenance. Many apartment-friendly plants won’t require you to water or feed them regularly, and many can grow in low low light conditions. Start by determining the type of plants for you as well as the desired location you will grow them in taking into consideration the amount of natural light it receives.

Here are some of the best plants for apartments that you might want to consider having:

Red Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)

This could be a dream come true for those who want beauty added to their home. Red Prayer Plants are aesthetically pleasing in appearance. This type of apartment plant can survive without being maintained too much. You need to place it in an area that has medium to bright indirect sunlight. It also requires regular water and misting, usually around once per week.

Happy Bean or Pincushion Peperomia (Peperomia ferreyrae)

No one can resist a plant that is labeled as the “happy bean.” This plant only measures 10 inches tall so fits right into small spaces. It requires bright light but not direct sunlight. It has thick and succulent leaves that are shaped like green bean pods. It requires consistent watering, but likes a good deal of time to dry out between waterings. It only needs to be fertilized occasionally, mostly during May to August; use a liquid, organic houseplant fertilizer once every three weeks during this time.

Air Plant (Tillandsia Ionantha)

Air plants are super interesting in that they grow in a non-traditional way. It can sustain itself on moisture from the air and doesn’t need to be planted in soil. With more than 500 species and a minimal root system, it gives you a variety of visually interesting options that can be displayed as hanging plants.

Panda Paws (Kalanchoe tomentosa)

As good as its name sounds, its leaves actually look like fuzzy panda paws. It is covered with fine, fuzzy white hair that is a visual treat. It is a succulent plant that needs to be dried out in between watering and only needs water very infrequently. It grows best when placed in a south or west-facing window to supply it with the proper light that it needs

Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

It is also known as the Crimson Prince, this beautiful plant grows best in bright light. They really like a humid atmosphere, so you can try misting it once a week, and make sure to dry it out in between waterings to prevent root rot. Repot it during summer or spring or whenever its roots start peeking out of the drainage holes to promote further growth.

Dwarf Mother-in-law’s Tongue or Snake Plant (Sansiveria trifasciata hahnii)

This is one very hardy plant that is easy to care for; so if you already killed numerous plants this might be the one for you. It prefers to be on the dry side and is quite hardy so is perfect if you frequently forget to water it. This is a perfect decoration on your bedside table, coffee table, or even in your kitchen. This can tolerate both low light and high light conditions.

Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)

This plant loves humidity making it a great addition to a humid area like a bathroom. Its sprouted leafy discs can survive in an area that has bright-indirect light. Water regularly but make sure to dry the soil in between to avoid root rot. You will know if they are thirsty once its leaves droop a bit making it very easy to know when to water.

Zebra Plant (Haworthia fasciata)

This is currently popular for indoor gardeners because it’s small, low maintenance, and can tolerate low light environments. It has thick, green leaves with white stripes that grows into a small baby clump with baby offsets that can be easily separated from the mother plant and be repotted. In between waterings, it should be dried out completely if you don’t want it to rot because of overwatering. This is a perfect addition to your bookshelf, kitchen table and bathroom vanity.

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

This plant only requires a low amount of light everyday so is great in a huge variety of locations. Avoid watering it too much, you can try twice a week at most or after the soil has completely dried. Put it in a pot that has a drainage hole to help the green leaves with red tips pop.

Silver Sprinkles (Pilea glauca)

It has tiny and silverish leaves that never grow too large. It only requires about 4 hours of sunlight per day meaning most homes can comfortably grow it. Make sure to water it consistently, generally 1-2 times a week, or it will start to drop its leaves.


Lastly, we couldn’t have a list of small plants without mentioning herbs. Many types of herbs are great at growing in small spaces and will generally grow to fill their container. Some popular options are:

  • Chives
  • Thyme
  • Cilantro
  • Basil

All of these can be grown in a small, windowsill container, and produce an edible harvest. This makes them a great option for small spaces, especially in a kitchen where they can be readily accessed while you cook.

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